Migraine Diary

"A unique app for iOS and Android"

Helping patients and doctors to understand your time with your doctors is special. During your appointments, you need to let your doctors know everything that can help your doctors figure out why you have headaches and what can be done to help you. We built the Migraine Diary because of this need. With the information you provide in the Migraine Diary, you and your doctor can more easily figure out how to stop your headaches.

What does it do?

Provide an easy to use tool to quickly and conveniently track the frequency, severity, and duration of your headaches. Help quickly track what medications you tried so your doctor can find better options for you. Improve the quality of your visit with your doctors, allowing your doctors to spend more time listening and learning about your concerns.

How can it help?

Using the Provider Dashboard feature, the Migraine Diary can analyze your migraine history so you and your doctors can see how successful (or not) your headaches are under control. Also, patients often try medications to stop their headaches without success.

Doctors need to know what medications did not work in order to: Understand how difficult your headaches may be to control. Avoid accidentally recommending a medication that did not work or had side effects. Have evidence to argue with insurance carriers to get you the treatment you need if you are denied.

Migraine Diary Sample Report

Click here for the sample report...

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